Frequently asked questions

What are your opening hours?

Monday: Open 24 hours

Tuesday: Open 24 hours

Wednesday: Open 24 hours

Thursday: Open 24 hours

Friday: Open 24 hours

Saturday: Open 24 hours

Sunday: Open 24 hours

Public Holidays: Open 24 hours

We are ready to assist around the clock. Availability may be limited by demand and unexpected circumstances at the time of enquiring.

Does picking a lock damage it?

No it does not. If any functionality or deformation of the product will occur, we will replace or repair, free of charge.

Any reputable company should be able to guarantee this.

Can you install a product that I supply?

Yes we can, although we prefer and recommend to use products from brands we know to be of good quality.

How fast can a Locksmith be at my place?

If you are enquiring from within our serviced suburbs, usually within 20 minutes. Wait times can be longer due to traffic, and demand.

I have been overcharged before, how can I make sure this wont happen again?

Unfortunately there are many businesses that overcharge customers using a simple bait and switch scam.

To prevent this from happening, always properly research before enquiring, even if you need an emergency service.

Research should include requesting a full quote ahead of time, comparing quotes with other companies, and making sure the company you go with is reputable, and has positive, real feedback from customers.

A company that provides a vague/unclear quote with pricing that changes depending on the technicians mood, should immediately raise a red flag.

How much does a Locksmiths cost?

The cost of a Locksmiths service will vary depending on the parts used, and labour/travel charges. On average, legitimate Locksmith companies in Australia will usually charge around $100-$200 AUD for a first hour of labour time, plus the costs of any parts that need to be used.

For David's Locksmith Services full price list, Press Here.

We take pride in being a company with affordable pricing, for even the smallest of jobs.

Call for a free quote today.

What Suburbs does your company cover?

We cover all the Eastern and South Eastern suburbs of Melbourne.  We can also travel Melbourne wide, however additional charges may apply for smaller jobs.

Does the work come with any guarantee or warranty?

All labour and parts are covered with a 2 year warranty period, excluding digital locks, that usually include 1 year of warranty.

How can I prevent myself from being locked out?

It is always beneficial to have a spare key with a family member that you trust. Another good habit is to use the key itself to lock the door, rather that locking the door internally and closing it behind you. This is unfortunately not possible with a dead-latch, night-latch and mortice locks that do not have a handle installed (key retracts latch).

What is the differnce between a Deadlatch and a Nightlatch?

The Lockwood 001 Style Dead Latch is one of the most common style entry locks currently in use in Australian residential properties. They feature an external Rim Cylinder, and an internal cylinder that prevent usage of the lock from inside the house without the key. The Deadlatch also features a deadlocking plunger, that makes Jimmy-ing or shimming the lock open much more difficult.

The Lockwood 100 Style Night Latch, also common, also features an external Rim Cylinder. Unlike the Deadlatch, most Nightlatches do not have an internal cylinder preventing unwanted opening from inside the house, and will usually not have a deadlocking plunger for preventing shimming and jimmying. Depending on the brand, the Nightlatch sometimes will include a locking bar, that when engaged, will prevent operation of the lock from outside, even with the key.